Edmund Barton Centre - StartUp Business Development Program

Welcome to the StartUp Business Development Program

Startup Business Development Program Product Background:
The program designed to assist aspiring business owners during the startup and formation stages of their enterprise. The main objective being to significantly reduce the high first year failure rate of startup businesses in the region.

The program is based on the following fundamentals:

  • That to be successful in any business there are three essential skills required, the Trilogy of Business Success, these are: Product Knowledge, Sales/Marketing Skills and Financial Skills. Furthermore it is argued that in some instances that up to two of these may be present in an individual but rarely all three.

Startup flowchart

  • The Startup Business Development Program task is to identify which of these three essential skills is missing and then through a mentoring program team the individual up with mentors that have the missing skill(s).
  • The Startup Business Development Program is very much about the individual with aspirations of starting their own business seeking assistance from the program and driving the outcomes. Where the program is one of listening and guiding not directing or driving the participant.
  • The Program is open to all aspiring business owners within the location where the Program is offered. There are no pre-requirements to join the Program other than the intention of starting a new business and the willingness to participate. All this for only $50 per month.


In December 2009, I took my idea of a professional childminding service to Grant Burtenshaw, Program Manager of the Start-Up Business Development... (more)