Edmund Barton Centre now on Coffs Coast LGA, new office at Holiday Coast Credit Union
Rod Leane has brought many years of business experience to his new role at a local business support centre. Last month Rod was appointed regional client manager at the Edmund Barton Centre, Coffs Coast.
The Edmund Barton Centre is a not-for-profit association that delivers business mentoring services using their volunteer mentors, at very reasonable fees.
The regional client manager role will see Rod work with fledgling businesses to help them survive their first 12 months, and existing business owners seeking assistance with an opportunity or challenge.
"I'm passionate about regional development, business survival and helping to develop sustainable businesses," Mr Leane said.
The Edmund Barton Centre is located in the Holiday Coast Credit Union at 22 Gordon Street.
The centre was originally established in the Hastings LGA 4 years ago and has helped 180 local businesses through the hurdles of the first 12 months of operation. With branches opened this year, in the Manning/Great Lakes, Nambucca, Bellingen LGAs and now the Coffs Coast LGA we are looking forward to assisting many more individuals and business.
The centre's general manager, Grant Burtenshaw said the Centre aimed to reduce the high failure rate of start-up business in regional Australia, and assist those existing businesses facing challenges and growth opportunities.
"Through a strong advocacy agenda and working with other organisations we are trying to drive positive change in the business environment to ensure every business has a chance to succeed."
"We have assisted over 180 aspirant local businesses, to first make the important decision as to the viability of their business, and provided mentoring assistance during that crucial first 12 months of business," Mr Burtenshaw said.
Holiday Coast Credit Union, North Coast TAFE, NSW Business Chamber, The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Charles Sturt University and Fairfax Media are among its supporters.
The centre is named after Sir Edmund Barton, Australia’s first Prime Minister, who represented the people of the Hastings and Macleay, who had a passion for education, strong local communities and vibrant regional economies.
Kellon Beard is The Edmund Barton Centre's president and its operation is overseen by a board.
For more information visit www.edmundbartoncentre.com au or for an appointment please contact Rod Leane on 0400 984 025 or email rod@edmundbarton centre.com.au.