Press Release 23/7/12 - The Hidden Cost of Conflict in Business
The Hidden Cost of Conflict in Business
As a small business owner, it can be difficult to know how to handle conflict between staff or between a supplier or business partner. Do you hope that it will “blow over” or do you deal with it directly? And what’s your next step if the problem persists?
The easiest option may seem to be just to look the other way but there’s a good chance that this response will also cost you the most. You face the risk of increased staff absenteeism, low morale, productivity losses and impaired decision making – and you may also see an increase in your workers compensation and insurance costs.
The Edmund Barton Centre provides mentoring programs for business owners in the Manning Valley and Great Lakes area to help them succeed with the support of experienced business people. In addition to mentors the Edmund Barton Centre also has many business service providers as supporters, and the Edmund Barton Centre is now pleased to welcome MidCoast Mediation as a supporter.
“It is widely acknowledged that it’s the quality of your people who will make the biggest difference to your business,” said Client Manager for the Edmund Barton Centre, Simon Brown. “We’re delighted to welcome MidCoast Mediation as a supporter as they can use their experience and skill in workplace conflict resolution to help business owners create positive and resilient workplaces that deal effectively with conflict.”
“We’re looking forward to working with local business owners in this vital yet often overlooked aspect of business management,” said Megan Lewis, Director of MidCoast Mediation.
New or existing businesses interested in participating in the business mentoring programs offered by the Edmund Barton Centre can log in to or contact Simon Brown on 0407 966 194 or at