Manning River Times 7/3/12
March sees the launch of a new business support program in the Manning, called Start Up. This is a program which sees new business owners mentored by more experienced business people. Not necessarily from the same industry or sector, but experienced in business in general.
The program is operated through the Edmund Barton Centre and sponsored by the NSW Business Chamber with funding support from the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.
The Manning River Times is a major supporter of the initiative which been successfully piloted in Port Macquarie for 3 years and has helped over 180 businesses and generated 140 sustainable jobs.
The program is now being extended to the Manning and will be co-ordinated by Manning Valley Business Chamber President, Simon Brown.
“Too often businesses fail, not so much because of financial circumstances, but by poor management decisions” said Mr Brown. “The idea here is to use the knowledge and experience of the mentors to guide the new business owners” he added.
The initial mentors for the program are Grahame Nash of Nash Solutions, Jeremy Thornton of Complete Risk Solutions, Chris Ryan of Ryan Aerospace and Alan Steber from Stebercraft. “The quality and business experience of our mentors is exceptional” said Mr Brown
Under this unique program the mentors do not advise as such but simply ask questions and have discussions with the business owners so that they can come to their own conclusions and make better decisions.
A second program is also available for established businesses – called Key - where a business owner identifies a specific need in their business and can seek tailored assistance via the mentoring program.
“It’s quite a simple concept and in reality most of us have had a mentor at some stage in our lives without perhaps realising it – whether it be in our business or personal lives.”
Members of the community interested in becoming mentors and new or existing businesses interested in the benefits of this program can contact Simon Brown on 0407 996 194 or at