Board Changes

Date of Release: 
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Edmund Barton Centre Inc for business excellence
At its Annual General Meeting last week the Edmund Barton Centre bid farewell to two of its foundation Board Members, Councillors Adam Roberts and Geoff Hawkins have stood down from the Board to concentrate their time and efforts to their new task as newly elected Councillors of Port Macquarie Hastings Council. The Chairman, Hadyn Oriti thanked both of them for their very valuable contribution to the organisation both as Board Members and Mentors and wished them all the best in their future endevours.
At the AGM two new Board Members were elected, Paige Sinclair who is the CEO of Dolphin Marine Magic in Coffs Harbour and Don Phillips AM from Taree who has had many roles in both business and community organisations in the region. Both of these people bring a wealth of experience to the Edmund Barton Centre and its clients.
As Hadyn Oriti stood down at the AGM his position as Chairman, Dr. Muyesser Durur, Director of Charles Sturt University in Port Macquarie was elected as the Chair for the next year. “The Edmund Barton Centre has expanded its operation to Taree, Nambucca/Bellingen and Coffs Harbour during 2012 and with the assistance of its HowsBusiness, , campaign is poised to assist more businesses that access its StartUp Business Development Program and Key Business Enhancement Program” says Muyesser “and I am looking forward to working with Board to achieve our aims.”

For further information please contact Grant Burtenshaw 02 6516 0125